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There will be an increasing potential for thunderstorms over the next few days, with a heightened threat for heavy rainfall and flash flooding Friday into Saturday. Continue to watch local weather reports, prepare your home for storms, and check on family, friends, and neighbors.
Please utilize the following to stay informed and please pass the word along to those who do not use online or text services:
- Pocket Stop Emergency Text notification system - Text "Quechan" to 444222 to sign up
- Quechan Housing Authority RoboCall and text messaging system is available to QHA residents; please Contact QHA Office to sign up at 760-572-0243
If you are a Tribal Elder or have Medical Needs are without power, please Call Sophia Perez - Executive Secretary at 928-919-6791 (Text Messages and Emails are unavailable, please Call)
If you are in need of assistance from Quechan Social Services, please Call Shelyne Twist - Community Liaison at 760-572-0201 ext. 207
If you have fallen debris from trees or other obstruction as a result of the storm, please Call Jeremy Douglas - Public Works Director at 928-920-4238
If you have Covid related needs please Call Jillian Attaway - Emergency Management at 928-587-5524
For Emergency situations please Dial 9-1-1