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San Carlos Apache Tribe Notice

President Jordan Joaquin and the Quechan Tribal Council has issued the following Notice regarding the San Carlos Apache Tribe affected by the Watch fire.

"Our prayers are with the San Carlos Apache Tribe and all of those affected and the devastation by the Watch fire. I have been in communication daily with Chairman Terry Rambler during the weekend and have expressed the Quechan Tribe is able to donate the necessary items to get through during these early days. We will be traveling on Wednesday to donate supplies to the San Carlos Apache Tribe. The Quechan Tribe will be donating water and non-perishable food and supplies. If any tribal members would like to donate any items, such as toys, hygiene products, clean washed clothes and blankets etc. please drop them off at the Tribal Office, no later than Wednesday before 9:00 AM on July 17, 2024, as we will departing to the San Carlos Apache Tribe for delivery."

President J. Joaquin & Quechan Tribal Council

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