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Quechan Indian Tribe Awarded $8.2 Million in Damages for Destruction of Cultural and Archaeological Sites

July 17, 2024-Fort Yuma Indian Reservation, CA-The Quechan Indian Tribe is pleased to
announce that the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California has ruled in favor of the Tribe, granting approximately $8.2 million in damages. This decision comes after a prolonged legal battle concerning the destruction of culturally significant and archaeological sites on our
reservation due to a federal government construction project.

The court's ruling acknowledges the profound importance of preserving our cultural heritage and
the irreversible harm caused by the government's actions. The damages awarded will be directed towards restoration efforts, preservation of remaining sites, and the continuation of our cultural
practices and traditions.

Quechan Tribal President, Jordan D. Joaquin, stated: "This victory has been about the recognition and respect for our heritage, our ancestors, and our history. The destruction of our sacred sites was and continues today to be a deep wound to our people and community, but this ruling brings a sense of justice and a step towards healing."

The Quechan Indian Tribe has inhabited the lands along the lower Colorado River in what is now
California and Arizona for thousands of years. Our cultural and archaeological sites are integral to our identity and history. The federal construction project, which commenced without proper
consultation and consideration of its impact on our heritage, resulted in significant damage to
these irreplaceable sites.

We are grateful to the court for its fair and just ruling, which sets a precedent for the importance of protecting Indigenous heritage sites across Indian Country. This outcome underscores the
necessity for government and private entities to engage in meaningful true consultation with tribes before undertaking projects that may affect culturally significant lands.

The Quechan Indian Tribe remains committed to the preservation of our cultural heritage and will continue to work towards safeguarding our ancestral lands for future generations.

The Tribe is represented by Thane Somerville of the law firm Morisset, Schlosser, Jozwiak &
Somerville in Seattle. Somerville states: "The Quechan Tribe's commitment to its culture and its perseverance in this litigation is remarkable. We are thrilled to help the Tribe achieve this result."

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