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As the Monsoon Season continues, our area is expected to see minor to severe storm weather. We ask that you all be prepared for any situations such as power outages, thunder/rain storms and even temporary relocation measures.
The Quechan Tribal Council asks that our membership be prepared as possible, by having supplies on hand such as but not limited to:
- Flashlights and batteries
- Candles, a lighter or matches
- Lanterns
- First Aid Kit
- Portable Cell Phone Charger
- Dried foods and snacks
- Canned meats, vegetables and fruits
- Extra Water
- Electrolyte packets
- A list of Emergency Contacts
- Utility Knife/Tools
- Waterproof Tarps
- Backpack/Travel Bag
- Medication/Travel Containers
Please utilize the following to stay informed and please pass the word along to those who do not use online or text services:
- Pocket Stop Emergency Text notification system - Text "Quechan" to 444222 to sign up
- Quechan Housing Authority RoboCall and text messaging system is available to QHA residents; please Contact QHA Office to sign up at 760-572-0243
If you are a Tribal Elder or have Medical Needs are without power, please Call Sophia Perez - Executive Secretary at 928-919-6791 (Text Messages and Emails are unavailable, please Call)
If you are in need of assistance from Quechan Social Services, please Call Shelyne Twist - Community Liaison at 760-572-0201 ext. 207
If you have fallen debris from trees or other obstruction as a result of the storm, please Call Jeremy Douglas - Public Works Director at 928-920-4238
If you have Covid related needs please Call Jillian Attaway - Emergency Management at 928-587-5524
For Emergency situations please Dial 9-1-1
Stay safe and be well,
Quechan Tribal Council