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There is currently an outbreak of Monkeypox in some countries that do not normally have cases:
Most people recover fully without treatment, but in some cases, people can get seriously ill. It is called 'monkeypox' because it was first found in monkeys. While the risk to the general public is low, WHO is responding to this outbreak as a high priority. What we know about the outbreak is changing fast - we are learning more every day.
You can catch monkeypox through close contact with someone who has symptoms including:
Skin to skin contact. Face to face contact. Mouth to skin contact. Touching infected bedding, towels, clothing or objects.
If you think you have monkeypox:
Get advice from a health worker. Isolate at home if possible. Protect others by avoiding close contact with them. Wear a mask and avoid touching if you need to have close contact.
Symptoms of monkeypox include:
Rash with blisters on face, hands, feet, body, eyes, mouth or genitals. Fever. Swollen lymph nodes. Headaches. Muscle and back aches. Low energy.
Protect yourself from monkeypox by avoiding close contact with someone who has symptoms:
Avoid skin to skin, face to face, and mouth to skin contact, including sexual contact. Clean hands, objects, surfaces, bedding, towels and clothes regularly. Wear a mask if you can't avoid close contact ane when handling bedding, towels and clothes. Ask people if they have symptoms before you have close contact. Using condoms may not prevent monkeypox spreading during sexual contact, but can prevent other sexually transmitted infections.
Stigmatising people because of a disease is never okay. Anyone can get or pass on monkeypox.